Monday, September 8, 2008

Mothers Day Out

Kirby started another year of Mother's Day Out on September 2.

She is in now in the Older Three's class and having a wonderful time. Our little Kirby also just happens to be the ONLY girl in the class. I really for sorry for those little boys...they've got two teachers and a little mama hen...or little diva - not sure which personality will prevail! She's also very blessed to be having my good friend, Yolanda, as one of her teachers this year. We couldn't be more thrilled and know it will be a special year for her.

In even MORE EXCTING news....Kirby is potty-trained! It was fabulous to not pack diapers up for school, and it's so nice to not have them on the grocery list anymore. Our baby is growing up so fast and it makes me a little sad, but what a little lady she's turning out to be! LOVE HER!!

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